“Break Free” Workshop
Collapsing the Walls of Negative Thinking and Stress to
Start Living the Life You LOVE!
Are you ready to “Tame the Beast in the Attic” of your mind?
Often our own thoughts can be our biggest enemy. Attend our “Breaking Free” Workshop and learn how to move out of your minds abyss and start living your best life…EVERYDAY.
In this all-new “Empowerment of the Mind” Workshop you will feel refreshed and renewed, experience personal transformation and be well on your way to professional success and mind-body wellness. You’ll learn the keys you need to break through your inner barriers and unlock the limitless potential and endless possibilities that are waiting for you in all areas of your life.
Attend the Break Free Workshop to Learn:
- Techniques to overcome hidden barriers or known mental obstacles
- The 4 key steps you must take to release fear of failure (or success)
- Why too much brain clutter can cause you to stress out, and achieve far less
Watch a short video to learn about why this workshop will help you to STOP STRUGGLING…CLICK HERE
Overwhelmed – Stressed Out – Stuck in a Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Rut?
Even the most talented business professional, loving parent, and successful entrepreneur, can become scattered, stuck and frustrated to the point where nothing gets accomplished and there’s no momentum to be found. Sales are down, productivity is stifled, and self-confidence suffers.
Researchers have been saying for decades that people who tend to look at life more positively have lower rates of anxiety and depression and even tend to be less at risk for heart disease and other aliments. So its no surprise that a recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology has found that people who had positive attitudes tended to, in fact, live longer.
“You really CAN take charge of your life and health and achieve any goal you wish when you learn how to use the natural power of your mind.” Lori Bestler
FEE: Only $39.95 Pay NOW via paypal (button to the left)
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: MindScapes UnLimited Mind Coaching Center
12 Bridge Square, Suite 202B, Anoka MN 55303
PLUS Receive any MindScapes Audio Download 50% Off
Best Seller…Breathe and Be Empowered” $39.95 Value ONLY $19.98 Quickly Enter a State of Confidence and Calm
Presented by: Lori Bestler-Strategic Mind Coach, Speaker, Educator
Date: 4th Wed. of the Month. Call to Inquire.
Group Workshops Available: Great for Independant Consultants and Direct Sales Teams
Contact Us for More information
Free “Rapid Change” Phone Consultation
Call Lori today at 651-260-4540

Lori Bestler is a nationally recognized Mind Empowerment Coach, Award Winning Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and Self Help Recording Artist with Mindscapes Unlimited.
Lori has helped to transform thousands of men and women’s lives through her Strategic Mind System of Success, Rapid Results Coaching Program and Audios, Retreats, Seminars and Speaking engagements. She specializes in working with high level entrepreneurs and independent business professionals with busy minds as well as empathic and high sensory individuals. Lori helps clients overcome barriers in thought patterns, limiting beliefs and behavior which can lead to issues such as stress, anxiety, negative thinking, and weight problems, lack of focus and follow-through, and procrastination. Clients experience results in areas such as financial success, improved relationships, confidence, high self-esteem, stress reduction, behavior change, better health, and greater fulfillment in life. Ms. Bestler runs a private coaching and hypnotherapy practice in Anoka, MN, assisting clients in the Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding Twin Cities Metropolitan Areas, as well as all over the U.S.
For more information contact us on the tab at the top of the website. Ask for a complimentary Rapid Results 60 Minute Phone Coaching Consultation.
© Mindscapes Unlimited Mind Coaching Center