Reality Is Of Our Choosing

Lately I’ve been reading a lot where the concept of creating the life we live, we experience, our reality, is of our choosing.
It’s often hard to believe that when we are suffering or in hugely difficult situations that we are in control. However we are always able to control our thoughts, to flip the switch to see the silver lining in some way. We are always able to move from the unfavorable state to creating something new.
Planting seeds of love, hope, kindness, possibilities, or even flowers are ways to create a better reality. Anytime we do something useful, healthy, better we are planting seeds.
Life evolves around the seeds we plant; weeds or flowers, we choose. Heck, even perceived weeds are often healthy herbs. Some of us just let life germinate what’s always been, leaving each day to chance. Thinking the same way. Believing in the same beliefs. Nothing changes.
Creating the life you live, your reality, is within your grasp.
To that point, I wrote this…


When you plant a seed
Be it thought, word or deed
Cultivating what you plant
You are a co-creator
A builder
A change agent
You give God
Something significant to work with
Your dreams and desires
Planted in the soil of the Divine
Through prayer, faith and action
Through a passionate pursuit
Produces that which is greater
Than the mind can ever construct
Miracles, the miraculous
Always awaiting germination
In humanities heart
Serving the greater good
Elevating love
By being love
Giving love
And loving life
All seeds, good deeds
Growing beautiful gardens
That are flourishing within
Bearing fruit
That feeds the soul
Of self and others.
Be a Blessing, Be Blessed, Be Well,
Lori Bestler