Hypnosis: Quit Smoking for Good!
- Have you tried other methods to stop smoking…only to have them fail?
- Are you ready to succeed this time?
“I’d previously used hypnosis to quit smoking a couple of times but I kept relapsing after experiencing excessive weight gain. Recently, Lori’s sessions have provided me with a solutions-focused approach replacing urges with more positive stress-relieving relaxation and a strength-based inner stance that can withstand any difficulty. She’s good! And now I’m on my way to Look Good and Feel Great! In Fact… Every Day, In Every Way, I’m Getting Better and Better!” Maureen
Time to Be Smoke-Free with our Minneapolis Minnesota Hypnosis Coaching Center’s Programs
More and more businesses and public places are becoming smoke-free – and many people are trying to kick the habit along with them, so congratulations if you’re among those committed to quitting!
Confronting the Smoking Habit
Smoking is a beatable behavior that hinders multitudes of individuals from living life fully. Millions of Americans are elated former smokers. Even if you are a frequent smoker, you CAN become a former smoker. Just as there can be many excuses for not quitting, hypnosis converts habitual smokers into happy non-smokers by focusing on the benefits of being free from the expense and destructive health factors of this habit.
• Can you imagine how good your life would be if you were free from cigarettes?
• Are you tired of spending your money to risk your health?
• BELIEVE IT! You CAN quit–you just haven’t tried the right method yet!
“My name is Sandy and I have been smoke-free for one and a half years. How did I do it? Hypnosis, stress relief techniques, I drank a lot of water, I started walking again, I signed up for the gym, I got a personal trainer, and I ate healthy. Now I smell good, I feel good, everything tastes better. Now I’m living the lifestyle I LOVE.
If you can beat cigarettes, you can beat anything. The sky is the limit.”
Private hypnosis sessions are available:
In Person
Facts about Our Stop Smoking Program:
The number of sessions in this program is typically FOUR, for some a little more. If you’ve stopped and started smoking again, you’ll certainly understand that a quick quit program does not last. Our program is not just about stopping smoking its about creating a better life.
How much does it cost?
What you’d save by not smoking for 3 months, if you smoke a pack a day, this program will pay for itself. Not only that, what you gain as a result of your investment is much more than eliminating a bad habit, you gain numerous skills to live a healthier, happier, and more successful life. Relationships improve, stress is reduced, confidence increases, and more!!! We focus on the WHOLE person, not just the smoking habit part!!!
Stop Smoking Program $1240 Month One
Prepay/Book all 4 Sessions in Advance FEE $795 ($445 Savings)
POWERFUL…Based on how long you’ve been smoking and what other issues are causing problems, by the end of the program you’ll learn how to stop your inner language that tells you “I have to smoke”, or “I love smoking cigarettes.” more effectively, cast out negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, increase your self-awareness, reduce your stress, feel greater peace of mind and at ease without smoking. You will have your own private, customized “Happy Non-Smoker guide book as a “road map,” to do what it takes to stop smoking and live a healthier, happier, and more financially prosperous life.
• (4) Weekly 90 Minute Sessions; Includes Coaching Evaluation, Educational Piece, and Experiential Integration of Tools
• (4) Thoroughly Typed Session Summaries recapping key discussion points-emailed weekly
• (4) Weekly Lessons; includes extra resources for reading to enhance understanding and success-emailed weekly
• (4) Weekly Action Plans for practicing tools taught and mastering lessons learned-emailed weekly
• (1) Rapid Results Audio for shaping brainwaves to enhance focus and reduce stress, increase confidence, and more.
• 50% Off Audio Downloads
• Access to coach via emails-responding within 48 hours; answer questions, need insight, other as required
After completing the Rapid Results Coaching Program-Month One, we will evaluate your progress and develop a plan for continued success. This plan could consist of continuing with weekly coaching for achieving bigger success. This plan could consist of meeting once a month for four months for sustaining growth, or it could consist of a one month follow-up session for focus and support.
All Clients in Rapid Results Coaching Program have an opportunity to receive a full Powerhouse menu of techniques used in the Strategic Mind System of Success.
NOTE: Clients can quit smoking in one session. However most don’t believe it’s possible and their limiting beliefs and lack of understanding how thoughts are formed, along with poor inner programming, they are unable to experience success as quickly. Additionally, sometimes due to other problems like anxiety, lack of coping tools, busy mind, which most smokers have, they need much more support in other areas. With that in mind, many clients experience substantial success in 4 sessions, some require more to manage the mounting problems in life. Months or years later some people experience more of life’s stressors, new problems arise and they find that they might need a booster session. Clients that are Program Graduates, receive discounts.
Call Lori Bestler today for more information or to book your sessions: 651-260-4540
Contact Lori NOW! FREE “Rapid Results” Coaching Consultation!
University of Washington Study Shows 90.6% Success Rate Using Hypnosis
Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis.
Source: University of Washington School of Medicine,
Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.
95% Success Rate Using Hypnosis With NLP (Lori is Certified in NLP)
A comparison of hypnosis to quit smoking and hypnosis combined with NLP reported a 95% success rate using hypnosis combined with NLP.
Adkar Associates study finds 87% Reported Abstinence Using Hypnosis
A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-mo. follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence using hypnosis.
Published in: Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion.
Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7. PMID: 7862796 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Nicotine replacement methods like the patch and gum have less than a 15% success rate, and they come with unwanted side effects and the potential for secondary addictions. Chantix is causing all sorts of strange side effects. Hypnosis has NO negative or unwanted side-effects, is completely 100% natural, and multiple session hypnosis has a 67% success rate (some studies show even higher), the highest success rate of any smoking cessation method.
Call Lori Bestler today for more information or to book your sessions: 651-260-4540
Valuable Information
What happens after you quit smoking?
Immediately after you stop smoking your body begins to heal. Your sense of smell and taste return. Within a few days, you will notice that you are breathing easier. You will be free from the mess, smell, inconvenience, expense, and dependence of cigarette smoking. Long-range benefits include significantly reduced risks of death from heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and several types of cancer.
What Should You Expect after Hypnosis?
Expect a new way of thinking about smoking. You will have learned different ways of dealing with old patterns of thoughts, beliefs and behavior for living a life free of the chains of cigarettes. Anchors will be set to change how you react to stressful, bored, and repetitive conditions where smoking was once your problematic solution. Better choices will easily be made and your new reactions will be more stimulating and life-changing as you live healthier and take care of your mind, body, and stuff once saturated with the smell of smoke.
Yes! I’m ready to become a permanent happy non-smoker!
Call today! 651-260-4540
According to the American Heart Association:
Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States. It accounts for more than 440,000 of the more than 2.4 million annual deaths. Cigarette smokers have a higher risk of developing several chronic disorders. These include fatty buildups in arteries, several types of cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (lung problems). Atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty substances in the arteries) is a chief contributor to the high number of deaths from smoking. Many studies detail the evidence that cigarette smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack.
How does smoking affect coronary heart disease risk?
Cigarette and tobacco smoke, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity and diabetes are the six major independent risk factors for coronary heart disease that you can modify or control. Cigarette smoking is so widespread and significant as a risk factor that the Surgeon General has called it “the leading preventable cause of disease and deaths in the United States.”
Cigarette smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease by itself. When it acts with other factors, it greatly increases risk. Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases exercise tolerance and increases the tendency for blood to clot. Smoking also increases the risk of recurrent coronary heart disease after bypass surgery.
Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor for young men and women. It produces a greater relative risk in persons under age 50 than in those over 50.
Women who smoke and use oral contraceptives greatly increase their risk of coronary heart disease and stroke compared with nonsmoking women who use oral contraceptives.
Smoking decreases HDL (good) cholesterol.
Weight Gain
Quitting smoking doesn’t mean you’ll automatically gain weight. And even if you do gain a couple pounds, that’s not as important as saving your life… and the lives of others. When people gain weight, it’s usually because they start to eat more once they quit smoking. If you watch what you eat and stay physically active, you may not gain at all!
What Should I Eat
Plenty of fruits and vegetables (at least 8–10 servings a day).
Celery, Grapes, Apples are great snacks.
Drink lots of water! Cut back on alcohol, soft drinks (and YES even sugar free ones) and minimize caffeine drinks (coffee and tea-they can cause dehydration)
Sugar Free Gum and Candy
Walking and other exercise cause the release of positive thinking chemicals in the brain and improve you mood.
Deep breathing releases stress, tension in muscles and calms you.
It can help reduce your appetite.
It can improve your mood.
It burns calories and can help you lose weight if you take in fewer calories than you use up.
Replace the times you smoked with a positive hand/mouth activity-knit and chew gum, read and chew ice cubes.
Last but not least…Think positive thoughts! Feel proud about quitting.
Free 60 minute “Rapid Results” Phone Consultations, so call today.
For more information call 651-260-4540 or contact us now.
About Founder
Lori Bestler is a nationally recognized Mind EmPowerment Coach, Award Winning Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and Self Help Recording Artist with MindScapes Unlimited.
Lori has helped to transform thousands of men and women’s lives through her Strategic Mind System of Success, Rapid Results Coaching Program and Audios, Retreats, Seminars and Speaking engagements. She specializes in working with high level entrepreneurs and independent business professionals with busy minds as well as empathic and high sensory individuals. Lori helps clients overcome barriers in thought patterns, limiting beliefs and behavior which can lead to issues such as stress, anxiety, negative thinking, and weight problems, lack of focus and follow-through, and procrastination. Clients experience results in areas such as financial success, improved relationships, confidence, high self-esteem, stress reduction, behavior change, better health, and greater fulfillment in life. Ms. Bestler runs a private coaching and hypnotherapy practice in Anoka, MN, assisting clients in the Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding Twin Cities Metropolitan Areas, as well as all over the U.S.
For more information go to www.mindscapesunlimited.com, contact us tab, ask for a complimentary Rapid Results 60 Minute Phone Coaching Consultation.
© MindScapes Unlimited – Mind Coaching Center; Elk River, Ramsey, Anoka, Andover, Lino Lakes, Minneapolis, Blaine, Coon Rapids, Becker and surrounding areas.

Lori Bestler is a nationally recognized Mind Empowerment Coach, Award Winning Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and Self Help Recording Artist with Mindscapes Unlimited.
Lori has helped to transform thousands of men and women’s lives through her Strategic Mind System of Success, Rapid Results Coaching Program and Audios, Retreats, Seminars and Speaking engagements. She specializes in working with high level entrepreneurs and independent business professionals with busy minds as well as empathic and high sensory individuals. Lori helps clients overcome barriers in thought patterns, limiting beliefs and behavior which can lead to issues such as stress, anxiety, negative thinking, and weight problems, lack of focus and follow-through, and procrastination. Clients experience results in areas such as financial success, improved relationships, confidence, high self-esteem, stress reduction, behavior change, better health, and greater fulfillment in life. Ms. Bestler runs a private coaching and hypnotherapy practice in Anoka, MN, assisting clients in the Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding Twin Cities Metropolitan Areas, as well as all over the U.S.
For more information contact us on the tab at the top of the website. Ask for a complimentary Rapid Results 60 Minute Phone Coaching Consultation.
© Mindscapes Unlimited Mind Coaching Center