When Lori Speaks….People Are Transformed

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Here are Lori’s Most Requested Presentations  

1 . Are you Ready to Unleash Your Unlimited Potential?

Can you program your mind for success? YES!

Studies reveal repeatedly that thoughts, energy-intentions, and beliefs affect our health, and our ability to achieve success and live to our full potential. Lori will teach you Mind Mastery skills and the power behind positive thinking to quickly surpass self-limitations, increase confidence and productivity, and achieve goals.

2. Create the Life You Love without Burning Out

Do you feel overwhelmed? Unfocused? Stressed out? It’s frustrating when you feel like no matter how hard you work, you never have a moment to rest. In this motivating and educational presentation, Lori Bestler shows you how to de-clutter your brain, reduce stress, and manage time.  Learn the essential mind mastery keys to eliminate self-sabotage and limiting beliefs for unlimited success and well-being.

3.  Make up Your Mind to Succeed in Sales

Based on Brian Tracy’s 80/20 rule, Lori believes that 80 percent of sales success comes from your mental attitude alone. This is based on her experience as a top performing direct sales consultant, then to developing and leading a team of more than 200 nationally-recognized independent direct sales consultants.

In this session, learn how to develop a positive attitude, powerful and persuasive body language, and the skills to quickly build rapport and make positive connections that will help you excel in life and in your sales career.

4.   B-U-S-Y is a 4-letter Word! Stop the Effects of Negative Stress

Daily, millions of people abuse their bodies with stress. In fact, research suggests that 90+% of all dis-ease and illness have stress to thank for their underlying cause. Nearly half of the nation’s workers say job stress is destroying their mental and physical health and sabotaging their productivity, and lost time at work costs employers thousands of dollars. Enhancing the quality of life and ability to excel will result from this action packed presentation.

Learn takeaways such as:

  • Benefits and consequences of stress
  • A powerful technique to instantly relieve stress and better deal with future stres
  • Three top brain maximizing techniques to overcome overwhelm, conquer procrastination, and achieve peak performance


Lori can customize each presentation to suit your event,  just let us know!

Click Here to Contact Lori NOW! or call 651-260-4540