Oatmeal? Why?

by Strategic Mind Coach Lori Bestler


Still starving after eating oatmeal? Feel terrible like I do? Well I’ve done my research because I find that I simply do not feel good after eating it.

Yesterday my daughter made an excellent healthy dessert (or so I thought). I had an oatmeal bar before bed. I had a terrible night, headache, belly ache, woke up bloated, bags under my eyes. I’ve often thought, am I going crazy? Why do I FEEL terrible after eating what so many health experts say is healthy?

Well as a coach who specializes in working with entrepreneurs with “Busy Minds”, of which I am one, I’ve learned that we often have serious food sensitivities among other challenges.  Many are sugar addicts, adrenaline junkies, high strung and over stressed, struggle sleeping well, and have a history of issues like diabetes and high blood pressure in their family.  So if you have a busy mind, take note. Here is what I found out about oatmeal!!!

The case against oatmeal:

Many people, especially those with sensitive insulin response, have a significant surge in blood glucose after eating oatmeal.

Oats contain high levels of lectins and phytic acid which can cause intestinal imbalances and block the absorption of nutrients.

Even nice oatmeal messes with some peoples digestion. Several people when giving up grains, such as oatmeal, lost weight. Oatmeal has fiber, but in the end it’s glucose, which is a sugar, and they have very little nutrition compared to true paleo foods.

Regular oats aren’t safe, and even if you spend $$ for the clean oats, you stand a good chance of reacting a bit anyway. Same kind of philosophy about casein – if you can’t do gluten, correlation wise, you very well may not be able to do dairy. (I cannot drink cows milk either. Unless is is from Beyond Organic. If you want more information on why they have a great dairy product for “Busy Minds”, contact .

So what is a healthier option for breakfast if you have a “BUSY MIND”?

Try Pumpkin…

Pumpkin Pie Quinoa Breakfast Casserole
Mmm… quinoa, pumpkin, coconut oil – what a great, healthy combination!

Author: Leanne Vogel
Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 45 mins Total time: 55 mins
Serves: 2 servings

This sweet and crunchy topped quinoa bake is the perfect way to start off the weekend. And heck, who doesn’t like the taste of dessert for breakfast?

3/4 cup almond milk
(Tip: bring some of the liquid to a boil first! Use 1/4 C boiling water & 1/4 C chocolate hemp milk (yum!) … It turned out perfect (I covered for the first 1/2 hour, & then uncovered, as per inst)
¼ cup pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
¼ cup raw quinoa – red or white would work
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp coconut oil
¼ tsp gluten-free pure vanilla extract
½ tsp ground cinnamon
pinch ground nutmeg
pinch ground ginger

1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 tbsp maple syrup
1.5 tbsp finely ground almond flour
¼ cup pecans, chopped

(Spoon a few sliced bananas or blueberries on top)

Preheat oven to 350F and lightly oil a 4 cup casserole dish. [I used a small dab of coconut oil]
In a small bowl combine all ingredients, minus the topping. Stir until fully mixed, then pour into prepared casserole dish.

Cover well and cook for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine all topping ingredients. After the 30 minutes are up, remove casserole from oven and sprinkle topping over top of the casserole.
Return to the oven and cook uncovered for another 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
[Mine was ready in 12 minutes]

Go to LiveStrong.com or about.com to calculate the values
Why eat more pumkin puree? Nutritional data: Anti-inflammatory, low glycemic http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2602/2

Cooking a whole pumkin.

Hot Pumpkin Cereal

This is very healthy, satisfying and if you’re getting bored with eating eggs and protein shakes for breakfast. This is a nice change. 
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes


1/2 C ricotta cheese
1 egg
1/4 C pumpkin puree’
Pinch salt
Sweetener and flavorings to taste
2 T flax seed meal (optional)

This cooks on the stove. I usually find it goes fastest in a non-stick skillet.

1) Mix up the ricotta with water to thin it out – quite thin if you want to add flax seed meal, which thickens it a lot.
2) Add an egg and beat well (I use a whisk) – you don’t want a lot of strings of egg white.
3) Add the pumpkin and salt.
4) Sweeten to taste and add cinnamon and nutmeg or whatever.

One of the best ways for people to lose weight is to use natural sweeteners instead of sugar. Sugar can be detrimental to your health because it can contribute to obesity and increase the risk of diabetes. Many people who are health-conscious have relied on natural sweeteners to keep their food and beverages sweet and tasty.

The most popular forms of natural sweeteners are:Top 5 Healthiest Sweetners

 1. Stevia

2. Maple Syrup

3. Honey

4. Agave Extract

5. Date Sugar


5) Stir while heating on medium heat. When it goes “grainy”, that’s the egg cooking. Stir in the flax seed meal at this point.

Possible additions: peanut butter (yum!), butter, nuts, you name it.


Pumpkin Muffins Gluten Free Grain Free HEALTHY

2 cups almond flour
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree (if canned, NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1/4 cup honey


1 Preheat oven to 350°F.
2 In a medium bowl, combine almond flour, sea salt, baking soda, cream of tartar and spice(s).
3 In a large mixing bowl, combine eggs, pumpkin and honey.
4 Slowly add flour mixture to the pumpkin mixture, mixing well.
5 Spoon batter into paper-lined cupcake tins (or silicone tins) and bake for 30-35 minutes. Cool on a wire rack and enjoy.

Read more at: http://www.food.com/recipe/pumpkin-muffins-gluten-free-grain-free-495161?oc=linkback


Looking to learn more about managing a busy mind to rapidly take control of your life; healthy, wealth and well-being, contact Lori at www.mindscapesunlimited.com.  And please join our email list for a FREE “Be Revived and Energized 10 minute MP3 download and Monthly Newsletter.

Reprint with permission; include the following:

This article was written by Lori Bestler-Strategic Mind Coach and Award Winning Motivational Speaker with MindScapes Unlimited Mind Coaching Center.

Lori Bestler, know as the Mind Mastery Expert specializes in working with high level entrepreneurs and business professionals with busy minds who are struggling to take more control of their life, very possibly feeling overwhelmed, unfocused and stressed out. She teaches people the mechanics of the mindset that enables them to overcome barriers in beliefs and behavior to improve health, wealth and well-being. Through her Strategic Mind Coaching program and speaking engagements, Lori has helped thousands of individuals live the life they desire most. Ms. Bestler runs a private practice in Lino Lakes assisting clients in Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding Twin Cities Metropolitan Areas. For a no cost consultation contact Lori at www.mindscapesunlimited.com